“What is the use of oceanography?” by connected oceans

2 minutes

education and formation

A guide by connected oceans

To contribute to the “One Ocean Summit“, oceans connectes published a guide entitled: “What is the use of oceanography?”. This free guide is intentionally concise and aimed to the public at large, it is intended to accompany everyone throughout the debates held during this summit. More importantly, it is a first attempt to tell the story of marine sciences, with the aim of sharing and understanding them.

First edition of the « mini-COP » for the oceans

For the first time, a global environmental summit was dedicated entirely to the oceans and took place on 11th February 2022, in Brest, considered as the capital of the oceans.

At the initiative of French President Emmanuel Macron, oceanographers are invited to join political decision-makers, associations, entrepreneurs and civil society, to imagine practical solutions for a rational and sustainable management of the maritime space through a cross-practice approach and the sharing of knowledge. Before the meeting of the heads of states, numerous workshops will be held and open to the general public and people will have access online. These creative forums have been scheduled over two days to bring out these solutions.

This “One Ocean Summit” took therefore undoubtedly the appearance of a first “mini-COP of the oceans”, whose goal is to raise awareness on a massive scale and trigger collective action to heal an increasingly unhealthy ocean.

A synthetic guide to raise awareness

This three-day discussion has been enlightening by the knowledge that marine scientists have of the ocean.

Oceans connectes wanted to be part and provide some key answers to the questions that people have about oceanography, a scientific discipline that brings together so many specialities in marine sciences. “What is the use of oceanography?” is an invitation to share a common culture of the oceans.

This short, synthetic and infographic guide tells the story of science propelled by the technological and digital revolutions of the last few decades in a way that is easy to understand.

Download the guide

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