OceanOPS acts as a focal point for the implementation and operation of relevant observing platforms. The Centre, which is located in Brest, France, is funded by voluntary contributions from IOC/UNESCO Member States and WMO, through marine observing programmes and panels such as Argo, DBCP, OceanSITES, GO-SHIP, SOT, GLOSS, OceanGliders.
Its purpose is to monitor and report on the status of the global ocean observing system and networks, to support the efficiency of observing system operations and to enable the timely transmission and exchange of high quality metadata.
OceanOPS also contributes to the free and unrestricted provision of data to users in the areas of operational services, climate and ocean health.
Currently, OceanOPS tracks over 100,000 observations per day from global networks.
For more information: https://www.ocean-ops.org/board